Everyone, male or female, feels an important need to be consistent in the things they say, do and feel. If we’re flaky and liable to change at the drop of a hat what we believe or have promised, we know that people are likely to judge and mistrust us. This commonly felt sense of importance regarding the need to be consistent within ourselves can be exploited when attempting to seduce a woman. One seduction technique that makes use of this concept is called ‘The Power of Yes’.

Here’s a common scenario most men have experienced at some point or another in their lives. You find yourself talking to a girl, maybe you approached her and consciously started a conversion, or perhaps the chat began unplanned, naturally. Either way, you’re enjoying each other’s company. After a while, it dawns on you that you and the girl you’re talking to are going to have to go your separate ways pretty soon, which poses a slight dilemma: how can you make it so this isn’t the first and last time you two are together and instead arrange for it to progress into something further? The obvious route to take is to perform a ‘closer’.

A closer is when you make a conscious effort to get a girl’s number, swap both your numbers, arrange to meet up again soon, or otherwise cross that social “getting to know you” line. Thing is, you don’t want your closer to crash and burn, you want the girl to happily agree to whatever it is you suggest. So how can help ensure that happens? You use psychology, specifically, ‘The Power of Yes’ technique. The technique involves getting the girl you’re interacting with to give several positive ‘yes’ responses to your questions in quick succession. Doing so helps develop an internal sense of positivity in the female that carries over in her mind to when you perform the actual closer and tips the balance in the direction of agreement to your request or suggestion.

You can do this by using subtle and casual responses after she says things, like: “Really?” and “Do you?” Match your response to what she’s just said and ensure it takes the form of a question that you’re sure will prompt a ‘yes’ response from her. Getting between 3 and 6 of these positive responses is usually enough to allow the principle to work.

At the same time, avoid asking questions or saying things near the end of your conversation, just before you’re about to close, that could possibly evoke negative reactions or “no” responses from the female.

The reason this technique works so well is because of the natural human phenomenon mentioned at the start of this article – that people feel it’s important to be consistent and congruent in the things they say and the situation they’re in. After responding to you positively half a dozen times, a natural inclination is created in the female’s mind for saying ‘yes’ – she’s gotten used to it. When you finally suggest going for a bite to eat tomorrow or visiting that museum together you told her about, the most natural and consistent response in her mind is a responding “Yes!”…it just feels right.

If you’ve found this free tip interesting and want to learn more about exactly how to talk to women and what to say, check out Rachel’s website > Click Here


Every year millions of people attempt to lose weight. Some do it as part of a New Year’s resolution, others for a special occasion like a wedding or school reunion, and some do it simply because they’re unhappy with their weight – and have been for years - and want to change the way they look for the better.

Unfortunately, most people who attempt to shed some weight see only a small amount of success, that doesn’t last for very long. Others see none at all. So what’s going on? Why is losing weight so hard? Why do so many people fail? And, perhaps most importantly, what can you do to make sure you aren’t just another person who ends up in the “tried and failed” category of dieters?

The answer lies in two special things: knowledge and application. First you need to know exactly what to do, then you’ve got to do it. No ifs, not buts and no cutting of corners.

Today is the perfect day to start expanding your knowledge. Once you have your plan in place, which contains every change you need to make and how you’re going to make it, you’ll be ready to begin losing weight. We’ll start by looking at 7 really powerful weight loss tips. These facts accurately sum up fundamental rules of successful weight loss that every person who’s serious about improving their body shape and size should know and remember:

1. Stop Searching For That Special Wonder-Method

If you’re one of those people who has put off making a concerted, definite effort to lose weight using tried-and-tested methods, in the hope that you’ll be able to find and use a simpler, easier approach, you aren’t alone. It’s easy to put things off and blindly wait for a miracle method to come along and do all the hard work for you – but you have to realize that it’s never going to happen. The only way your body is going to be the way you want it to be is if YOU do what’s needed to get it that way. Once you accept that fact, you’re ready to really begin your journey.

2. Real, Long-Term Weight-Loss Is Only Accomplished Through Permanent Changes In Your Lifestyle, Not Through ‘Diets’

Because ‘diet’s’ are temporary, so are the results they bring about. Instead of saying to yourself, “Okay, today I’m going to start my diet!” say, “Today I’m going to change my lifestyle,” and focus on doing just that.

3. Don’t Let Your Initial Enthusiasm Overpower Common Sense

Making those first few changes in your lifestyle and getting the ball rolling is great – you’re fired up and raring to go. But make sure you don’t let your surge of enthusiasm overpower your ability to make good decisions. You need to pace yourself and take things one step at a time.

4. Become Calorie Aware

To lose weight consistently, at a significant but safe rate, you’re going to need to control the number of calories you consume on a daily and weekly basis. That means becoming aware of foods that are very calorific and foods that aren’t. You don’t need to become a nutritionist to do this though. Just get used to looking at food labels and keeping a running total of how many calories you consume throughout the day.

5. Set ‘Near’ Goals and ‘Far’ Goals

It’s okay to dream about your perfect body and how great it will be once you’ve got it – in fact, it’s a really positive thing to do. It helps stay you motivated and working hard. However, it’s important you break your big end goal down into smaller chunks in the form of short-term goals. For example, to lose 2 pounds a week for a month. Or to fit into a certain pair of jeans you used to be able to comfortably wear a few years ago.

6. Don’t Starve Yourself Or Completely Avoid Eating Fats

To lose weight and keep it off for more than a few weeks, you need to avoid skipping meals or otherwise starving yourself. It’s much better to eat little and often. Break up your three main healthy meals with equally healthy snacks to keep you from getting hungry and hankering after “bad” foods – a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit both do the trick nicely. Also DO NOT avoid all foods that contain fat. Your body needs fat to survive and stay healthy. Just focus on eating healthy fats, such as those found in Omegas 3, 6 and 9 – include them in your balanced diet to ensure your weight goes down and STAYS down.

7. Use A Complete Plan That Covers Each Of The Vital Areas Of Body Improvement

If you want to lose weight and generally improve the overall health, fitness and appearance of your body, it’s no good only making one or two changes to your lifestyle. You need to use an approach that covers each of the necessary areas of improvement: psychology, motivation, goal setting, diet, fitness & exercise, etc. That doesn’t mean achieving your ideal physical form is going to be really hard or feel impossible, though. Just that to do it you need a complete approach that covers everything and misses out nothing.


Perfect Body Plan’ is a brand new e-book that has been designed in a special way. It allows anybody who reads through its pages – regardless of what their specific, individual goal is – to achieve their perfect body. It only uses tried-and-tested techniques that fuse diet advice, multiple fitness and weightlifting programs that anyone can perform, and psychological guidance that MAKES SURE you achieve your goals. Whether you want to lose weight or gain it, get fit or simply look good naked, ‘Perfect Body Plan’ has the answers…

Take a look now at http://www.perfectbodyplan.com

It’s a fact: other people’s lies make our lives more difficult. They distort and twist the truth, con us into believing things never happened, or took place when they shouldn’t have. There are literally thousands and thousands of ways people’s untruths and falsehoods taint and make living our daily lives more of an effort than it really should be.

So what can we do about it?

How can we put a stop to lies the second we hear them and reveal the real truth, the actual facts, the exact situation?

The answer is natural lie detection – techniques, strategies and knowledge that give a person the rare and invaluable ability to separate the real from the fake and always know what to believe and what to question.

So, what does it consist of? Well, natural lie detection uses no machines, test papers, no video or audio recordings. It is, as the name suggests, a science based on human perception and skill.

It has 3 main components. They are the interpretation and analysis of: body language, psychology, and verbal communication. By having a deep and expert knowledge of all three, you can become capable of spotting 99 out of 100 lies, whether they’re spoken over the phone, in person or even over the internet or via text message.

Although learning these special techniques isn’t difficult when you have the time and proper reading material, it does require more space to explain than this short article allows. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t go over one way many liars give themselves away. This collection of principles falls under the body language category of natural lie detection and focuses solely on how a dishonest person uses, or avoids using, their hands when they’re being deceitful. There are 3 main hand-related signals of deceptiveness.

Signal #1:


People use their hands to visually illustrate and emphasise their statements – it’s a way of painting an abstract picture in the air to better help the person or people they’re talking to understand the concepts being covered. When someone lies, however, their mind works differently to how it normally operates. Their thought process is dominated by the act of being dishonest convincingly and they therefore tend to change how they use their hands.

The first change you should look for is in how often they gesticulate with their hands while talking. The majority of people, when they lie, lessen the amount of movements they make with their hands because they subconsciously want to restrict the volume of information being given to the person they’re lying to – out of fear of saying too much, either verbally or physically, and getting caught out or questioned.

More proficient liars, or people who have rehearsed or planned a lie before telling it, actually tend to increase the frequency of their hand gestures. They’ll slice the air more with the blade of their hand or point their finger and clench their fists more frequently to illustrate and back-up what they’re saying. So, in short, look for a marked difference between the amount of hand gesticulations a person uses when in normal, day-to-day, obviously truthful conversation and when you suspect they may be lying to you or have a good reason to twist or otherwise alter the truth.

Signal #2:


. The second signal you should look out for is an increase in the number of hand-to-face actions a person makes when you think they could be lying. The main reason they touch their faces more often when lying than when telling the truth is because of the internal social pressure they’re feeling, which leaks out in the form of hand-to-face actions. Look for moments when the person momentarily covers their mouth with their hand or fingers. This is a subconscious attempt to stifle themselves and physically block the lie from leaving their lips – they do this to futilely try to block their falsehood from reaching you and thereby decrease the chance of getting caught and lessen their feeling of guilt.

However, many people are on some level aware of how mouth covers may be interpreted (as a sign that they’re lying) so instead try to camouflage the action by instead lightly touching their nose (which indirectly covers their mouth with their hand). Another reason many liars touch their noses is because of the increased blood-flow that occurs in its deep tissues, which creates an almost imperceptible tingle that, although not consciously felt and reacted to, causes the liar to unwittingly touch their nose for a moment. So, always keep an eye out for increased hand-to-face actions, especially those that cover a person’s mouth in some way or another.

Signal #3:


When people don’t know the answer to something or want to convey the messages: “I’m not sure,” or “I don’t care,” they often lift and quickly drop their shoulders in a shrugging motion.

A variation of shoulder shrugging is the hand shrug: a quick lifting and dropping of one or both upturned hands.  Like shrugging with the shoulders, it’s a way of expressing a type of diminished responsibility in regards to an issue or topic – and that’s why liars tend to overuse the hand shrug while being dishonest. Instead of using it only to accompany words that express a feeling of uncertainty or ambivalence – the way people do when being honest – liars use the hand shrug alongside verbal statements that don’t relate to “not knowing” or “not caring.” They do this subconsciously to distance themselves from the lie they’re telling.

Look for these 3 signs of potential dishonesty whenever you suspect someone might be lying and you’ll be a step closer to becoming a true master of deceit detection – a human lie detector.


Simon Cruise is the expert author of Detect Deceit, a revolutionary guide that details how anyone can learn to become a master of lie detection, with the ability to analyze the things people say and do and instantly judge whether or not they can be trusted. Find out more at detectdeceit.com

The Real Cause of Infertility

Posted by Jessie Lohan | 1:00 PM | , | 0 comments »

Infertility can be defined in two ways: as inability to conceive after a year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception, or as repeated ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages or perinatal loss. Male and female specific factors account for about 30% of the infertility causes (individually);the combination of male and female causation leads to an additional 20% and the remaining 20% are caused by uncertain origins.
When one is dealing with infertility, as much as it is important to strictly follow the rules of the treatment, it is equally important to make sure that you have the correct diagnosis of the root cause of your condition. In this article you will find a broad outline, enumerating the various probable causes of infertility.
Why it is important to determine the causes.
Infertility may be caused due to a multitude of factors at a time, or it may be the result of perhaps the deviation of a certain single factor from its premeditated path. Since misdiagnosis can often lead to further fertility complications, the very first step of treating and curing infertility depends largely on indentifying the root cause right in the beginning of treatment.

The broad causes of infertility in females may be listed as follows:

. Anovulation: In females, ovulatory problems are the most common causes of infertility. The failure to ovulate may be due to a number of factors:
o Hormonal imbalance is the most frequent cause of anovulation; when the ovaries produce immature eggs, pregnancy becomes impossible.
o Women with polycystic ovaries suffer from a decreased secretion of FSH and increased secretion of LH and testosterone; therefore polycystic ovarian syndrome may lead to anovulation in women.
o Approximately 20% of the cases of infertility occur due to the malfunctioning of the hypothalamus, the gland which controls hormonal stimuli, resulting in immature eggs. The pituitary gland is responsible for the regulation of LH and FSH, and its malfunctioning produces immature eggs.
o Damage to the ovaries caused by previous surgeries, ovarian cysts, tumors and infections may lead to production of immature eggs as well.
o Premature menopause and follicular problems are also responsible for anovulation.
. Improper functioning of fallopian tubes: Viral and bacterial infections of the fallopian tubes are the primary cause of their malfunction.
Appendicitis and colitis are abdominal problems which lead to blockage of the fallopian tubes. Tubal damages may also be caused by previous surgeries, which render the tubes incapable of passing eggs. Ectopic pregnancy, which occurs within the tube, is a potential threat to life that also causes tubal damage. Congenital tubal defects are rare, but not impossible to come across as causes of infertility.
. Use of drugs: Smoking, drinking and using other drugs have been known to decrease the chances of getting pregnant.
. Problems in the Immune system: This problem includes autoimmune reactions in the body and the creation of antisperm antibodies which exterminate sperms. Natural killer cells, which when present in excess, can damage the embryo in the uterus. The antinuclear antibodies cause inflammation of the uterus when present in excess. The presence of antisperm antibodies in the female's body kills off the sperms before they can fertilize the egg.
Although the causes of infertility are many, they are fairly easy to overcome, especially when diagnosed in the early stages. Using a holistic approach, comprising of the prescribed medicines, following a healthy diet, regular exercise, abstinence from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, stress management, acupuncture etc. guarantees positive results. Due to the complex and multifactoral nature of infertility, the problem can be solved permanently only by dealing with it in the holistic way, which tackles all the root causes of this condition rather than focusing on specific triggering elements.
This article is based on the book, "Pregnancy Miracle" by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate pregnancy solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root of infertility, help you get pregnant quickly and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website:
Pregnancy Miracle

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How to read a woman’s mind

Posted by Jessie Lohan | 10:58 AM | | 0 comments »

A very interested female

If a lady
is extremely interested in you, the more pro-active types will take the motivation to ask you out. She comes up with an excuse associated with borrowing things through you so that she can encounter you. The less pro-active ones will accept your schedules and perhaps offer to fund your second meal in an attempt to ensure continuity.
When she is out with you, she will pay close attention to what you say. She will giggle at your jokes (even when they are not funny!) and will show signs of discomfort when you talk about an additional
It is always
a vital point to know the girl friends if you desire to date the girl. This is because she will mention you to her friends and ask her pals of their opinion associated with you. She will also talk about your current good points in their mind and mention your business frequently during your ex conversations with her buddies

A moderately curious woman

If she
is actually moderately interested yet is unsure if you are more suitable to become friend or lover, she will treat you since she would with other pals. She will answer the calls and explain to you about her life. She mail messages you occasionally when she will be bored and may mail you forwarded SMSes once in a while, including on festive events.
She may accept
your own dates every now and then, only when she is very free. Nonetheless, she will prefer to carry on group outings together with both of your common friends, instead of one-to-one trips for fear that
you may get the wrong idea.
might treat you as the woman's “”emotional diaper”, confiding in you the problems she is actually facing and expecting that you will give the girl advice. She may also inquire you to do things to be with her, such as lending your ex the latest copy of your fashion magazine or checking up on something that interests

A woman who is out for economic gains

female may try to find close to you deliberately to ensure that she can get make some economic gains from you. She has more interest in your account than you as an personal. Tell tale signs will be that she accepts dates from you only if they are at classy restaurants (she will decline dinner dates with the food court or hawker centre). She will intentionally say that she is interested throughout something (usually something very expensive, such as diamond jewellery) so as to attract you to get it for her. She might even ask you to pay for things she buys for her friends!

A woman who has zero romantic interest in you whatsoever!

Finally, if a
girl is not interested in you in any respect, what she does is extremely obvious. In the the majority of extreme of situations, she will reject all your calls, turn down all your dates and may even block you on internet messenger!
A more
refined form of showing disinterest is always to appear cold towards you. When you are conversing with her, she will appear disinterested inside the conversation, and may solid repeated glances with her watch impatiently, wanting that you’ll pick up the actual hint to get out of your ex sight. No matter which day you ask her out and about, she is always able to give you a new ‘valid’ excuse why she’s certainly not
there isn't any real need to sophisticated more on this!

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How To Read A gentleman's Mind

A very curious man

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folks are straightforward. When he is very considering you, he will try out his best to get in touch with you frequently. He can create opportunities to keep in touch with you, such as expecting you on internet messenger as well as thinking of excuses to provide you with a call. He will additionally call you frequently and attempt to ask you out to get a date.
During the
night out, he will make sure that every little thing goes on smoothly. He might book the dining tables in advance, plan your post dinner routines and arrive at the time in his best clothing. He will offer to cover the meal, to ensure he gets an additional opportunity to ask get you started
During the "follow-up"
interval, he will do everything in your case willingly to get into the good shoes. He can shower you along with gifts (well, don't assume all guys do that, most of them do), push to pick you upwards at your work place with a rainy day, travel intentionally to a particular place to receive the food that you like as well as buy the bag you want. He will be very nice for your requirements, giving you frequent words of flattery
and encouragement.

Any moderately interested person

A moderately
serious man is one that is interested in you, yet is still considering regardless if you are the right person pertaining to him. Guys within this category will make contact with you once in a while, for instance, give you a phone call after every week or merely send forwarded SMSes for your requirements. He will not purposely wait for you on world wide web messenger, but will talk with you whenever this individual sees you on-line.
He will ask
you out of trouble for dinner once in a while, while using frequency not exceeding beyond thrice per month. He might give you a treat, although not at posh dining establishments, sometimes even suggesting in which
both of you go Nederlander.
He will do
items for you as precisely what he will do with regard to other friends, not necessarily exceeding that tolerance. For example, he is more unlikely to buy you items, for fear that you can get the wrong concept

A man who is out and about for a fling

In the event that he is just away for a fling, the particular tell tale indicators are that he sets off body contact, for instance touching of fingers and shoulders, at the very early stage. He or she whispers softly into your ear canal when he speaks to you, even though he's not emotionally close to you. They tries to tease a person until you blush. But a majority of importantly, you will know for certain that it is a fling in the event that he does that to any or all the pretty girls they know or if he or she is married or linked.
The place and
conditions where you met your ex may yield yet another hint. A man which team you met at a disco or perhaps pub, behaves flirtatiously as well as invites you to his or her home for a beverage is more likely to possess thoughts of a one-night stand it mind than point out, a guy you fulfilled at your favourite area of the local bookstore, as well as at a financial preparing seminar which you both

A man who's no romantic fascination with you at all!

It becomes an uncommon occurrence. Regardless of whether he has no passionate interest in you in any respect, the nice guys can still treat a person normally as a pal while the bad guys will attempt their best to tease with you. However, in case you realize that he has not really been answering your current calls or responding your SMSes, never questioned you out for a time even though you have acknowledged each other for many years along with tries to matchmake you regarding his friend, then they're tell tale indications that he is simply not serious!